Constance MacLeod

Constance MacLeod

I signed up for curb hero as a way to have open house guests sign in legibly 🙂

Nikeya Cabine
Nikeya Cabine

I chose this app to help me stay more organized with my open houses and this a big help!

Joe Stoll
Joe Stoll

I think curb hero has something very special here and will be an absolute game changer for years to come. Im really impressed with what I’ve seen, mostly the user-friendly aspect of it. Anyone could figure out how to use it! There is an immense amount of potential here especially with the powerful lead generating tools at our fingertips. My biggest regret is not hearing about it sooner…

Ayanna Barton
Ayanna Barton

I forgot my sheets for my open house and downloaded this app quickly to save paper. So far so good. Thank you!!

Valarie Adams
Valarie Adams

I’m very excited to check what Curb Hero has to offer. My main reason for looking for a digital medium for open houses was to use something where I could read the handwriting of everyone who signed in. I have great conversations with people, but it does no good if I can’t reach out afterwards.

Eunice Thomas-Rancy
Eunice Thomas-Rancy

I sign up because the service is free and I think it would be very valuable for my upcoming open house.

Rachel Mulvihill
Rachel Mulvihill

Great app. I’m excited about using it.

James Stech
James Stech

I’ve actually been testing out Curb Hero and recently used it 100% at my last open house and it went great!

Beny Hartgers
Beny Hartgers

Thank you for your help! I really like this cool app! And I’m amazed it’s free, for such a well thought out app and it looks great!

Deborah Thrush
Deborah Thrush

Used it Sunday very useful and easy !

Rebecca Dossey
Rebecca Dossey

looks like a great app and easy interface, I used it today at my open house, it was fantastic. I’ll tell my team about this!

Adam Stanley
Adam Stanley

Easy way to have open house visitors sign in without it looking like we will spam them. Keep up the good work.

Melvin McNeil
Melvin McNeil

I’m a new agent that likes doing open houses. This app helps capture the sign in information so much better. Thanks

Tselane Carr
Tselane Carr

love, love, love the App. It’s very user friendly, and professional!

Jim Cox
Jim Cox

I used Curb Hero app for my open house last weekend and it worked beautifully…I was able to paste the Curb Hero microsite QR code to my home’s listing summary and it worked very well to allow my visitors to register so that I could easily capture their name, email address, and phone number. Thank you very much for allowing me to use the free app.

Lauren Roush
Lauren Roush

Your platform looks wonderful and I love to use it. I appreciate the automated follow up (and being able to reply).

Jakari Pittman
Jakari Pittman

I’ve been telling agents about Curb Hero. I love it!

Chris McCoy
Chris McCoy

I was disappointed by the quality of information we received on the sign-in sheets. As a result, I began searching for options for electronic systems and found your solution. There are some features that are great and the simplicity of it is amazing.

Chris Duval
Chris Duval

Really cool app

Marijean Van Syckle
Marijean Van Syckle

A top sign in app for open houses and free for agents – a game changer! Thank you for what you do!

Celestine Kerina
Celestine Kerina

I just used your app for the first time this past weekend. I love your app.

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