Constance MacLeod

Constance MacLeod

I signed up for curb hero as a way to have open house guests sign in legibly 🙂

Tina Keeble
Tina Keeble

The best! Excellent customer service!

Jane Chang
Jane Chang

I think Curb Hero will be a great asset to my business. I am excited!

Daniel Ramos
Daniel Ramos

We’re looking forward to using Curb Hero to its fullest potential and really appreciate the platform so far.

John W Zehel
John W Zehel

Curb hero is a great tool. Thank you.

Dena Spruill
Dena Spruill

I love this app! Never going back to paper sign in sheets. It’s quick, easy, and efficient. And customer support is great.

Salvatore Triolo
Salvatore Triolo

I like the idea of not having to deal with bad writing on a sign-in sheet, and the ability to feed everything directly into my CRM (FollowUp Boss). It’s a cool app!

Maggie Pritchett
Maggie Pritchett

I tell everyone I know about curb hero! It’s free for agents and can connect to your CRM via zapier. It can also connect your clients with your chosen loan officer which can be different on each property andddd auto texts follow ups to OH attendees. I loveeee it!

Ashley Soto
Ashley Soto

I agreed to do an open house with less than 24 hours notice, and was scrambling to get my digital sign in sheet, QR code and marketing Thank God for Curbhero.

Nikki Goslin
Nikki Goslin

I signed up because I’m a Realtor that is looking for an open house app to
capture leads. I will use this at open houses as well as conventions etc.
Love the app so far!

Claudia Chopik
Claudia Chopik

I signed up because I wanted to be able to sign people in to an open house. I also wanted to have a qr code that I could print just one of and use it for people visiting to sign in and scan for more info without printing listing brochures. Your app is wonderful and does everything I was looking for. I’m amazed that it links easily with follow up boss too.

Patti Young
Patti Young

My team loves Curb Hero. It’s been so much easier to manage Open Houses.

Scott Ellis
Scott Ellis

I was actually touring some clients through a property during an open house and the agent holding the property open was using Curb hero on an Ipad and I thought it looked very professional.

Jenise Kelleher
Jenise Kelleher

I signed up because I held an open house, and no one wanted to stop to take the time to sign in. I found your site generated a QR code and people seemed more incline to scan and sign in.

Ivanny Marcelino
Ivanny Marcelino

Absolutely love this app! Very user friendly and best of all it is free with added bonuses you don’t need to pay for. Adds so much value to my business I cannot believe I don’t have to pay for it.

Sheridan Villano
Sheridan Villano

I am in charge of our marketing. And so far, we love Curb Hero!

Lela Manning
Lela Manning

What a great app! I am the training director for our brokerage and I signed up as I am always l at a loss when agents ask me ‘What is the app to use to capture open house leads?’

Sherry Kupresin
Sherry Kupresin

I’m a 23-year full-time agent and I wanted to have an App like Curb Hero to make my open houses stand out!

Zac Vaughan
Zac Vaughan

This is a genius idea and concept, my friend

Mindy Cain
Mindy Cain

I had great success with the app this weekend and am hoping that this will up my level at open houses to capture all the potential leads that walk through the door. I am going to share at our team meeting tomorrow with the team.

Danita Blow
Danita Blow

This is a great app and thank you for all of your hard work. I already recommended this app to three people.

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